With the DBA tournament at Woolston on 10 January, I really need to get these guys painted, so I've made a start. The photos provide a little insight into the messy nature of my painting table...oooopss!!!
Normally these would be mounted individually on large 6" flat head nails (using blue tack) to provide an easy way to hold each figure, and then painted before basing. However, since the figures aren't based 4 to a base, I've decided to try to paint them pre-based. I reckon that with only 3 per base I can get to the figures reasonably easily with a paint brush. We''ll see.
So, they have been cleaned of any flash (not a lot), with washed with detergent and warm water, based, and sprayed with black undercoat prior to starting the painting.
I'll post pictures once they are finished.