Friday, August 13, 2010

Rumble in the jungle ....

A dark ale and a lager, Nick's good company, and a couple of HotT armies - his Indians again, and my Lost Worlds.. shaping up to be a cracker evening. The armies deployed, both hoping that the Gods would favour them.

The Lost Worlds forces were seeking out treasure and sacrifices for their Ape God, and were hoping that they might find grist for the sacrificial altar in the Indian stronghold.

The Ape war bands forged forward, with the general mounted on his royal elephant in support. The forces of magic were also afoot, searing magic spells arcing across the sky, devastating bolts surging from finger tips.

The ape war bands hit the warrior lines, and the LW's right flank was under immediate pressure as their beasts were driven from the field.

However not to be outdone, the LW's behemoth T-Rex devoured the Indian beasts, and was still hungry for more.

Things became very confused in the centre as war band battled war band. Pterodactyls swooped into the Indian rear, trying to kill the Indians from their rear.

The T-Rex however had perhaps bitten off more than it could chew, and fell beneath the swiping claws and ravening jaws of yet more Indian beasts.

Finally the LWs incantations were answered, and the mighty Ape God appeared.

The Indian Hero finally made it to battle, tackling the threat to his war band's rear, and a Pterodactyl fell from the skies.

But the Ape God moved in to attack the Indian war bands from their rear, in support of the war band general who had been locked in battle for many turns.

Victory was theirs, and many would be the sacrifices to the Ape God this night.

Back on our own planet, Nick and I managed a second game in which he taught me a lesson or two, giving me a reasonably sound thrashing in return for this defeat. A great night's 'gaming.


On the banks of the Tigris

Wargaming actions in the Middle East in World War 1 offers games with more manoeuvre than you might expect on the western front (as do games...