Tuesday, November 23, 2010

"Fighting France" by Edith Wharton

My brother and sister-in-law recently visited from their home in France, and brought me a delightful gift of a copy of the book "Fighting France" by Edith Wharton, including a superb Forward by Colm Toiban (an author I am becoming increasingly familiar with, and enchanted by). Wharton was an American writer of note who made her life in Paris.

This is a delightfu;l and extraordinary little book offering a fascinating view of life amidst the war in 1914/15, written by a wodnerful author. Wharton might be best known for her Pullitzer Prize winnning book 'The Age of Innocence'.

The full text is available on Google Books 'Fighting France'.

This is well worth the read, not only as an historical glimpse of life in Paris and at the front, but also for the simple beauty of the writing.

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