Tuesday, September 25, 2012

More KV1's, and a couple of interesting conversions from the archives!!

Latest stage in the 20mm Spearhead project, the completion of the second pair of KV1's. Again these are the Pegasus, although this time the KV1s which were slightly more demanding in their assembly.

Amongst the other vehicles from the 197p0sis this T34A (note the modified mantlet - back in the 70s I cared about that sort of thing), modified as a flame tank.

The flame fuel was held in a tank added to the rear of the vehicle. Not sure that I would have been that keen on crewing this though.

While on the subject of 'cute' conversions from the 1970s, there is this T34 ARV/Engineer vehicle (still covered in dust). There wasn't too much variety in the way of Russian vehicles, so we converted what we could with what was on offer (the Airfix T34). The conversions came from the old Airfix magazine, and I think this ewas one of the famous Ken Musgrove conversions, but I stand to be corrected. No idea if it would have any use on the able, maybe if I took some combat engineers in the OOB, so I'm pondering whether or not I'll give it a coat of that more correct olive green

A footnote: this looks like a lot of vehicles, but it does represent vehicles for two different scenario lists. The heavies are attached to infantry divisions as break through regiments, while the T34's are taken from the armoured division OOB, so they wouldn't appear on the table in the same game. They represent options, and therefore a greater variety of games.

It has always been a concern of mine that we don't end up with the 'track to track' visual appearance that was so common in our games of the 1970s (and that of course is one of many big attractions of playing these games in 6mm); I believe that force density is very important in games. Nick and I hope to try a game or two over this term break so I'll post photos, and we'll be interested in feedback.

In the meantime, the other purchase last weekend was some HaT German 75mm IGs to support the infantry battalions. I've actually enjoyed this brief flirtation with vehicle modelling again, but now back to guns and figures. I'm much more comfortable painting them.

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