Sunday, November 18, 2012

Die Valkyrie...

Still in catch-up mode, this Warhammer 40K Imperial Guard Valkyrie is a kit that's been sitting around for a year or two. I bought the un-assembled kit from a fellow 'gamer for whom it was surplus to requirements and I've spent the past few weeks pottering with it, in amidst the frenetic work routine that is the impending end of term/end of academic year 'silly season'.  This flyer represents another step towards the completion of the Imperial Guard army for 40K, although truth to tell the boys I take for 'gaming at College get far more use out of the 40K armies than I ever do.

Can't help feeling that this should always appear on the table top to strains of Wagner.

Yet again I'd forgotten how relaxing this aspect of the hobby can be; this would be the largest kit assembly project I've undertaken for at least a couple of decades.

What's next? The last remaining components of the 20mm Spearhead Russian army have arrived, so I'll be off to pick them up from Stan this week, and once assembled that's another project finished. Woohoo!!!

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