Wednesday, September 25, 2013

1914 Austrians for Great War Spearhead II

Yep, I guess you could say my wargaming interests are more than a little eclectic. Having finished 20 Warhammer 40K Cultists, the release of Great War Spearhead II has rekindled my fascination with the WW1 period. Browsing through the boxes of unpainted figures (as I contemplate packing everything up in preparation for the house/garage/games room demolition and rebuild) I realised that I still had some figures left in a box of HaT 20mm WW1 Austrians. These are a part of the slow running 'Eastern Front 1914' project, for which I had painted up one Austrian infantry regiment to take its place alongside the Germans in combat against my 1914 Russians (themselves still not quite complete.. sigh, you get the picture).

Only one thing for it: paint up these Austrians.

So here are the first 5 of 11 bases (that's how many figures were left in the box).

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