Friday, December 20, 2013

Just pottering with the Austro-Hungarians

I've just completed these Austro-Hungarian 100mm guns (by HaT) to add to the AH division for the 'Eastern front project' (must surely be nearing completion, surely??).

This photo is of a later variant that had the longer barrel. The HaT models are of the early war shorter barrel version.

Researching the colours, there seemed to be some confusion about the correct early war colours for the guns. I (obviously) opted for the blue/grey colour. The crew are figures form the HaT Austro Hungarian Heavy Weapons box. I thought I'd sue these surplus figures rather than buy a box of their artillery crew.

I also had some AH infantry figures left over from those required for the AH cavalry bases, so these have also got the treatment over the past week to add to the infantry division fighting stand strength.

Still a few infantry fighting stands to go, but I'm getting there. Hopefully the division will see action against the Russians this summer.

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