Sunday, August 9, 2015

Volley and Bayonet 1813

I managed my first largish game for many months when invited to the relaunch of Keith's Wargames Room on Friday night, and 'dang, it felt good'!!! We fought a Volley and Bayonet game using 1813 Prussian and French lists, and Keith's 6mm armies. It reminded me that even though I am a Spearhead fan, VnB is still my all time favourite games system. Here are just a few random shots.

Keith's commentary on the relaunch of his games room, and this battle, can be found here.

1 comment:

  1. Great photos Robin. They capture the game well, including the Bavarian flanking movement. It is also interesting to see the table from a different perspective, that is the French side of the table.

    I agree Volley & Bayonet is a great set of rules. It captures the period so well and the battles feel like battles, irrespective of the scale of figures.


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