Friday, May 13, 2016

1940 - France - the cavalry have arrived

Progress is a little slow at the moment, but I've finally managed to complete the four Vickers Mk VI tanks in 20mm for the 1940 British BEF. The kits are S Models, and we are all set for some moderate sized Spearhead games (and the occasional Rapid Fire too).

The accumulated 20mm armour A13s for an independent armoured brigade, and the Vickers for the Infantry Division's divisional cavalry

Another view of the div cav.

That'll do for the moment. Now on to the next project which will be .. um .. errr... so many to choose from. The poverty of choice.


An ACW Ironclad

Quite a few years ago I painted up a series of stands to play American Civil War in 15mm using the Volley and Bayonet rules. I plan to add a...