Wednesday, May 18, 2016

And now for something completely different ..

After quite some time painting and assembling aircraft and AFV's it was time for something completely different. A wee while agi I found a cute Matchbox aircraft that I thought would make an ideal flyer for a HotT Orc army.

It was a good plan, but with that one flaw: I don't have a 20mm HotT Orc army. Solution? Buy some 20mm orcs and paint an army. OK. Let's create an orc army. Now, when I create new HotT armies I usually try to create an army with a different composition so that each army plays a little differently. The 'flyer' might be an aerial hero, while the orcs?

Well I have one army with a few warband, but orcs? Well, they are very impetuous, very.. um .., warband'ish. So 6-89 warband will be the core of the army.

The box of figures also contains some spear, and some figures that might make good blade.. in my mind a nice representation of some very damned hard fighting orcs, maybe the 'elite' of the orc clan. They'll come soon.

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