Thursday, June 30, 2016

Controlling the Carribean .. arrrrrr

The Pirate army is finally finished, a relatively quick army in the scheme of things. It took one box of Pirates, the single galleon model I acquired some years ago, and a few palm trees.

The pirate camp.. burying treasure, arrrr

Shooters, me laaads

A horde.. lots of drunken lying around.. arrrrr

The magician base (sirens on  the rocks, arrr. an' that's not a drink, me 'earties), and the three pointers - an airboat and a couple of artillery

A bevy of of ruthless pirates.. warband of course
So a pirate army with options.. now to fight for control of the Caribbean an' all that treasure .. arrrrrrr

Not sure the army will be very powerful, but I'm thinking it's going to be fun to play.. lots of "arrrrrrr'ing" and "ahoy there, me 'earties" across the table eh!!!


  1. Looks like one of the drunken hordes laid around too long.

  2. What's a pirate's favourite letter?........ RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR! Looks like more fun than Napoleonics.


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