Saturday, December 17, 2016

Eastern front Austrians .. again and again and again

Still filling gaps .. the 1914 Austrian army needs several more regiments fleshed out with infantry, having painted the HMGs to support them. Here is the first new regiment. I'm thinking of modifying my painting style a little, feeling less and less satisfied with the end result. I think that I am over-doing the whole - 'leave black undercoat showing in the creases' thing. Anyway, that's regiment number four out of the estimated six. However checking back I see one of the earlier ones is not complete, so the remaining figures I have will bulk out that regiment before I start on numbers 5 and 6.

1 comment:

  1. They will look great on the table. And, will match the style of your other armies. :)


Japanese Crossfire force

Last of the Crossfire Japanese for the Pacific for now is the completion of the solitary Type 97 Japanese medium tank. This entire project h...