Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Soviet expansion?

Having exhausted the current stocks of Austrian infantry for the eastern front (and awaiting re-supply .. perhaps appropriate given the performance of the Austrian army rear echelons in the opening weeks of war in 1914), I turned my gaze in a different direction.

Good friend Adrian recently gifted me a rather large collection of modern 6mm kit, sufficient in fact to do most of the vehicle requirements for Soviet, Dutch, BAOR and American forces from the early 1980s. The collection is lacking infantry, so completion of the mechanised combat teams will have to wait, but in the meantime, the armoured components can at least get the make over required.

I have been considering creating a Soviet army for some time, so that is first out of the starting blocks. Adrian had painted the Soviets in a colour scheme suitable for Afghanistan, but we typically fight actions based on the European TOO, so they required a repaint, and then basing for Spearhead our rules set of preference.

Here are the first fruits. The collection included 8 x T62's, and 6 x T72's, so they represent the beginnings of the nascent Soviet forces.

I'll need to order the infantry before I can progress the infantry battalions. I think I'll also need to work out some army lists so that I see what (if any) other support vehicles I may need that aren't in the collection.

Such a generous gift.


  1. Good progress Robin. I'm rather interested to see what cunning compositions you start experimenting with.


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