Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Early Minoan/Mycenaean auxilia

My Early Minoan/Mycenaean army (15mm Essex) was bought/painted under DBA v 2.0. The list changed slightly with v3, and so I needed to paint two bases of 4 x Auxilia.

Several months ago Jim came up with 8 suitably Bronze Age figures which he kindly gifted (thanks, Jim!!), and in the midst of the struggle to decide what to paint next, these seemed like an easy win. Despite a few hours of video conferences today for work, I managed to complete both bases.

Sadly I am, after only 48 hours, once again facing the struggle to decide what to paint next. The problem is that I am struggling to find something that inspires me. There is plenty in the stash, but....

Oh well.. the struggle is real. However I suspect that when the world comes out of its enforced quarantine (a much longer period of time than many expect, I suspect) there will be a myriad of new figures and armies waiting impatiently to take to the table top. 

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