Saturday, June 24, 2023

Next project: Middle East 1914-18

A year or so ago I bought the figures for matching Turkish and British armies in the Middle East 1914-18. I am finally finding the time, the motivation, and the eyesight, to start the painting. These are the first 6 bases intended as 'proof of concept' for the basing aesthetic I have had in mind. 

The figures are Irregular, 6mm, and the basing is for Great War Spearhead.

The coloured/named labels are a relatively new innovation for me. I think I'm happy with the result, so now onwards onto the painting project conveyor belt. I may however need to use the brown base cloth rather than the green for games.


  1. Love the look and the bases! I wish i was good with computers to be able to make labels for my bases! Interesting to see how you progress with this.

    1. Thanks Bradley... I like the aesthetic I am already developing.. and now with the time I hope to progress the project reasonably quickly.. there will be more purchases required.. and an armoured train, I feel


On the banks of the Tigris

Wargaming actions in the Middle East in World War 1 offers games with more manoeuvre than you might expect on the western front (as do games...