Friday, July 21, 2023

British artillery and horse teams: Palestine/Mesopotamia

Having completed the painting of the available figures for this project (i.e. the contents of the Irregular Divisional Packs for British and Turkish Middle East) I took a look at the lead pile and found a heap of British 18pdr  guns, and horse teams, which most probably came with the early war packs I bought in 2007 for our 2008 Marne refight. So.. I selected another eight guns, and limbers, and painted and based them. 

I also assembled, painted, and based, eight horse teams. Why? They serve no game purpose at all. However I felt that placing them on table when artillery is limbered/moving might addd to the aesthetic appeal of the games, so.. with horse teams assembled, painted, and based. They can also act as game markers indicating that the guns are limbered, to be removed form the table when the guns are unlimbered and ready to fire.

Here is the result.

 Now, back to working out the next order required to complete the Corps sized forces for each side.


On the banks of the Tigris

Wargaming actions in the Middle East in World War 1 offers games with more manoeuvre than you might expect on the western front (as do games...