Saturday, July 27, 2024

Jungle terrain markers, and platoon commanders, for Crossfire Japanese

Having returned to full time work for a term (as Acting Principal in a lovely rural school) my hobby time is a little more limited. I realised that I'd made an error in basing the Japanese for Crossfire. I'd based platoon commanders on normal 1.25" square bases. Now that's not critical, but in my other 20mm armies, PCs are based on 5/8th x 1.25" rectangular bases. It's not an OCD, but I like consistency. So, I plucked the officer figures from their larger bases, and rebased on to the rectangualr bases.

I also created another four jungle terrain markers. Here are all of the markers so far, the Company Cokmand stand, and gthe three PC stands. Small steps, eh...


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