Wednesday, October 30, 2024

The Battle of Maida 1806

Jon and I caught up for a yarn, a cup of tea, and a game this week.. he'd been overseas for a few weeks, and we didn't really need much of an excuse. Jon researched Maida as a game that would fit the bill as a small game to accompany a good catch up (as opposed to having a good catch up around a game) - 8 infantry stands per side, a few artillery batteries, and a single French cavalry stand, and we used my 25mm Napoleonics (remember the figures are 40+ years old and painted largely in the styles of the 1980's so please be gentle in your judgement of the aesthetics).

I commanded the French, Jon the British. In theory all stands (cavalry included) should be linear (so small is the battle). I don't have any Napoleonics on linear bases (but the temptation for a new 15mm project is very real). We used my massed based stands but played them with the linear factors per the Volley and Bayonet rules. The artillery are all 1 strength point battery stands.

French at the bottom of the photo, Jon advancing the British from the top

I was too aggressive, and attacked the British right on my left with two infantry battalions... and failed. Jon counter-attacked and routed one of the infantry units.

I then sent the one French light cavalry stand into the attack and routed one of the British infantry stands

Jon advanced and brought the cavalry under fire, eliminating the one SP stand cavalry stand with a large amount of musket fire.

I was also pushing forward on the French right, hoping to take the British flank from the rear as well

Jon promptly sent the Highlanders (a shock unit) into the attack against the artillery battery. Even though it was supported, the artillery lost the combat and was eliminated (it took a SP in casualties)
and eliminated the artillery

It was all over really. I'd wanted to reduce the advantage of the British shock infantry ... but it simply didn't work.. a short sharp game.. 

Great to see the 25mm figures on the table again, they don't get bout too often.



  1. Excellent small game. Aesthetically pleasing as well. Always liked Maida since reading the Featherstone account. I think it was Battle Notes for Wargamers

  2. Are the 15mm British infantry after you have completed the 15mm ACW? Sorry, I couldn't help myself...

    1. Bwahahaha .. fair enough.. quite possibly before... giving it some serious thought


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