Saturday, January 4, 2025

Volley and Bayonet to the fore

This week's 'gaming brought to the fore the flexibility of my fave war games rules set: Volley and Bayonet, with two games over two nights.

The first game was an historical scenario from the Nine Years War (League of Augsberg), using Adrian's beautifully painted 15mm figures.

This second game was a simple introductory American Civil War scenario for potential new player  Murray, using my own 15mm armies.

The point here is that despite these two conflicts being 170 years apart, and despite the Nine Years War taking place in the decade preceding what was intended to be the start of the period covered by Volley and Bayonet (1700-1900), the rules cope astoundingly well using those small 'sub period' tweaks we often talk about, giving great games that seem to have the feel, and produce the historical outcomes, that are all plausible and reasonable.

Just 'love 'em'....

1 comment:

  1. Great to see this Robin - the 9yw is by far my favourite period, I love V&B and all its support books, and have recently posted an ACW game over on my own blog. The rules are elegant, and with period nuances, give a fantastic game which feels like both battle and period. Great to see.


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