Saturday, February 1, 2025

The Gauls take to the battlefield

 Four of us gathered at Keith's this week for a round of DBA games. I'd just finished the Gallic army (II/ 11 ) (Essex, 15mm) and couldn't resist.  I modelled them as mostly fast warband, with a couple of solid Wb, a psiloi, and three cavalry. They didn't perform well under my generalship. Not to worry, they did better under the generalship of others .. yay!!

Just a few photos of that initial outing.

1 comment:

  1. A most enjoyable series of games. I look forward to engaging your Gauls again in the near future.


Towns and rivers: an ACW game

This week's VnB game was an American Civil War game with Murray, fought using my 15mm armies. The scenario creates a battle over strateg...