Friday, March 28, 2025

Forcing a river crossing in the American Civil War

Inspired by various accounts of early war (1861) battles in the American Civil War in which one side attempted to cross a river to take a significant road/rail/ferry 'node', I tried to create a scenario that incorporated an opposed river crossing. I built a simple raft styled model as a means of representing/marking the place of crossing.

The scenario itself didn't work too well, so no tedious after action report. I did learn enough to be able to rejig the scenario, and we'll have another go some time in the not too distant future. In the meantime, just a few more photos of the action, that saw a confederate force supported by an ironclad trying to force a river crossing. The game was played using my 15mm ACW armies. The mechanisms I used to model the crossing were created by Adrian and Jon in a different scenario setting. The 'rafting operation' (a concept rather than a literal representation) allowed for two stands to cross the river at a time. This took one complete move. The stands then landed with their base edge against the 'river bank', and they were disordered for that turn. This represented the vulnerability of troops crossing the river.

Yes you are right: the 'river' doesn't go to the edge of the table... purely a result of the inadequacies of my terrain. Until next time .....

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The Battle of Driskos in the Balkan Wars 1912

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