Saturday, November 28, 2015

Final day of College 'gaming for the year

Final day of 'gaming for the College boys today, and we ha a couple of HotT games and several Crossfire games going on. In the HotT game I played my Lost Worlds army against Henry's Greeblies army.

The Crossfire games saw two Briisht para platoons trying  to hold off a local German counter-attack on the  morning of 6 December 1944, and a British Royal Marine Commando company trying to attack and blow up a secret radar installation.

It was all damned decent fun. I was rather flattered that the boys had chipped in and bought me an Airfix kit of a Sherman Crab tank (since they'd found mines so useful in the Crossfire games) as a way of saying thanks for the year.

Great bunch of boys!!! Next year, we'll run some tournaments in HotT and Crossfire. I'll spot a few prizes for them. They'll all be back next year .. whoop whoop!!!

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