Wednesday, January 18, 2017

4 Brigade will advance ...

While not well read on the campaign I have for quite a while had plans to fight battles from the France 1940 campaign in both 6mm and 20mm. A while ago I received one of several very generous gifts from Gerard Davey, one of which included British infantry (Welsh Guards as it turns out) in 20mm specifically for this period. They have languished in their box awaiting the Spearhead treatment - basing and labelling.

There were sufficient figures to give me an almost complete infantry brigade of the strength that I'd field in a typical infantry division list for Keith's Scenario Generation System (just a few FAOs short). Finally, the finished product - four infantry battalions with some of their heavy support.

The Brigade

Brigade command stand

Battalion in kilts

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I can game this campaign in both 6mm and 20mm. Now... all I have to do is get some game time in.

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