Thursday, January 18, 2024

World War 2 in 20mm: A nostalgic view (2)

This is the second of my WW2 nostalgia posts, a review of 50 years of accumulated 20mm World War 2 wargames equipment/armies. 

This time the British army, actually begun in the 1980s as a paratroop force for the WRG 2nd Edition rules, transitioned to the 'Rapid Fire' rules set, and subsequently renovated, and based, for the Spearhead rules too.

Then there was the gift from good friend Gerard Davey of figures suitable for an early war British (BEF) army for France 1940. Those figures are pretty much as Gerard painted them, just rebased for SH

BEF 1940 infantry

British 2 AT gunpdr

A BEF command stand, with piper

The ubiquitous British Vickers MMG

The late war infantry .. a battalion each of paratroops, commandos, and line infantry

Paratroops with the handy brick walls.. always carry your hard cover with you LOL They were painted and based for Arnhem games originally

Airfix commandos

Recon jeep (one of several), and airborne 75mm guns

An airborne Tetrarch tank, one of two scratch built by an old school friend in the 70's

The late war armour, Cromwells, and M10 AT support, and some Churchills

Air support - a typhoon, and one for Korea.. a Vampire (again, yes not the correct ground support tool - it should be Corsairs, Thunderbolts etc, but also .. again.. too cool not to have on the table top)

Early war armour - A13s, and Vickers Mk VI's

Airborne jeeps

Parts of the army (the early war troops) have seen some table top action, a few years ago. The late war equipment saw games in the 90's ( a few WRG 2nd Edition, and some Rapid Fire, games) but nothing since.

1 comment:

  1. Great memories, except I have never moved on and just stuck with 20mm and now adding 3D printed to the mix


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