Friday, January 19, 2024

World War 2 in 20mm: A nostalgic view (3)

 The third 20mm World War 2 army in the collection is the American. This army began life as some Airfix WW2 Infantry painted by my son Nick. He did a lovely job on them, painted for Rapid Fire I think. He moved on to ancients pretty soon after and the figures languished for a decade or more before I decided to renovate and rebase for Spearhead. There were a few vehicles in the collection, and I added to them to pad the army out to something vaguely playable using Keith's WW2 Scenario Generation System. The army is considerably smaller than the others, a function of late development and NO games to motivate completion. The army has never seen action on the table top.

The infantry, about a regiment's worth in SH terms

An American army without jeep mounted recon? Exactly ... never

An M8 armoured car hidden in the corner of the box

The armour.. bare bones for a SH army under the scenario system

Some of the support stands

The thing with American armies under SH is that their TOE's allow plenty of off table artillery in support .. why wouldn't you? If I had the motivation driven by 'gaming I'd expand/complete the army. As we say in our New Zealand slang .. 'yeah nah'.

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